Dundee City Council
Byrne Looby Partners
Construction of coastal flood defences in Broughty Ferry.
State-of-the-art flood defences to protect against a 1 in 200-year storm surge event with the minimum of disruption to local residents, businesses, the environment and wildlife.
As part of the flood protection scheme, a four-metre-wide shared-use cycleway and footpath was created along the entire length of the project to form part of an active travel plan.
Replacing the existing narrow one-metre-wide footpath which had limited fall protection, the new continuous off-road scheme enables more people to access and enjoy the coastline. The project has created a better, safer environment to walk and cycle which encourages both locals and visitors to enjoy a healthier lifestyle through being more active.
From our initial engagement with Dundee City Council, our approach focused on mitigating the key scheme constraints and challenges by proposing robust, safe, cost-effective solutions. We proactively engaged with the various project stakeholders and statutory bodies to allow the coastal works to be carried out in the town with minimal disruptions.
This project is being delivered as part of Scape Group National Construction Major Works – UK framework.
m wide shared pedestrian/cycleway
m of flood protection
residents and businesses protected
flood gates