Our pillars
We have always had a reputation for good business practices and fair treatment of all stakeholders. The company ensures high standards and ethical values are consistently applied and positive, responsible decisions are made at all levels.
Strong relationships have been constructed with clients, employees, communities, educational centres, environmental stakeholders and supply chains.

We create employment and learning opportunities for successful career pathways. We work with our partners to break down the barriers to sustained employment and remove education inequalities experienced by some groups through dedicated programmes.
Developing talent and inspiring young people to join our industry is essential in addressing the skills shortage and inequalities within the built environment. We see work placements as an opportunity for our business to identify talent and build relationships with young people early in their careers.
We operate a workplace where everyone is treated with fairness, inclusion, and respect. We positively contribute to the promotion of equity and diversity as a fundamental principle of good employment. Our commitment, actions and programmes of promoting positive health and wellbeing within our workforce help our business and communities thrive.
We do this by working with our partners to create local employment opportunities and proactively develop the skills and awareness of our employees to tackle health inequalities and support the most vulnerable in our communities.
McLaughlin & Harvey supports local economies by buying goods and services locally and ethically. We responsibly undertake sustainable procurement, purchasing goods and services that carefully consider the business impact on the community, the economy and the environment. We are committed to the highest ethical standards in our operations and those within our value chain.
We build the capacity of small to medium enterprises (SMEs) and voluntary, community and social enterprises (VCSEs) by investing in their development.
We contribute to healthy and resilient communities by building capacity amongst community organisations to enable community-led solutions to local challenges. We actively support communities with the greatest need through our You Matter Communities Scheme to create value and improve lives.
Our Community Fund supports local community and third-sector organisations through small charity grants, enhanced by our time bank of volunteering and community consultation hours in addition to our resource bank of material donations.
McLaughlin & Harvey embraces digital technology and modern methods of construction to design out waste, increase resource efficiency, improve the environmental health of our communities and achieve Net Zero Carbon Emissions by 2030.
YouMatter Communities
McLaughlin & Harvey is inviting applications from eligible community groups, non-profit organisations, and charities to apply for small grants, volunteer time and resources to drive community-led solutions to local challenges.
More information on our selection criteria.

Modern Slavery
in the Workplace
Since the Modern Slavery Act came into force we require transparency in our supply chains. We expect the same high standards from all of our contractors, suppliers and other business partners. We will act ethically and with integrity in all our relationships and use all reasonable endeavours to influence others to ensure slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in areas linked to our business.
We engage with Achilles, to carry out ethical working surveys on our construction sites. These surveys help us identify and mitigate potential risks associated with unethical practices within our supply chain, including modern slavery, labour exploitation or human rights violations. By proactively assessing the ethical performance of our supply chain, we can take corrective actions and implement measures to prevent or address these risks. We actively engage and educate our workforce, including our supply chain, to raise awareness of modern slavery.