Hutchinson Ports (UK) Limited
54 weeks
Employers Representative
Mott McDonald
Berth realignment and new linkspan installation at Dooley Terminal.
The Port of Felixstowe terminal facility, constructed in the 1970s, is comprised of two linkspan berths, RoRo 3 and 4.
Works to berth 3 were undertaken first with the adjacent berth 4 remaining operational with a regular RORO vessel berthing.
Due to a damaged dolphin, berth 3 had been taken out of operation by Hutchison Ports.
Demolition &
Works to berth 3 included the demolition of the existing berthing dolphin and then the replacement with large diameter monopiles, platforms and access walkways to accommodate longer vessels.
Additionally, works to berth 4 involved the replacement of the existing RoRo 4 hydraulic linkspan with a new floating linkspan providing a wider three-lane bridge accommodating vessels having a beam of up to 30.5m.
Once completed, RoRo 4 became the port’s primary linkspan facility, with RoRo 3 retained as the contingency linkspan facility.
The Port of Felixstowe is the largest and busiest container terminal in the UK. We undertook the works within the live operational Dooley Terminal with both client landside and marine operations continuing alongside our works.
This project was also undertaken alongside our separate contract to strengthen 700m of quay wall at Trinity Terminal Berths 6 and 7.